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Unsatisfied with Assessment Judgement or Assessment

Completion requirements
Learner Unsatisfied with Assessment Judgement or Assessment Procedure

What to do if the learner is not happy with the assessment judgement or assessment procedures applied by the assessor.

Appeals Procedures

Every learner will have the right to appeal against the outcome of an assessment and it has to be discussed with the learner in advance of the assessment take place.

  • Any learner has the right to appeal against any Not-Yet-Competent decision by the assessor.
  • If the learner wishes to appeal, please assist them (or allocate another ETD practitioner) to complete the form below.
  • A copy of the form is also included in the Learner Workbook.
  • According to the policy and procedure, any appeals against assessment has to be brought to the attention of the QA manager within 24 hours of the appeal.

Click here to download an assessment appeal form.

Lecturer Broadcast: Click here to view an explanation of the appeals procedure.