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Types of Training Programmes

Completion requirements
Skills Audit

Usually, the Human Resource Section will conduct a skills audit annually (before or at the end of the financial year), in consultation with all stakeholders to identity skills and training gaps between the available skills and required skills for all occupational categories within the organisation. The results of the skills audit will be used to develop a Workplace Skills Plan for the organization.

The skills audit has to identify what we have what we need to do our job and to what the organisation needs.

Click here to view a video that explains the skills audit.

The steps in the skills audit process are summarized in this table:




Train or source people the perform the skills audit


Define skills


Develop an action plan to perform the skills audit


Implement the action plan; Perform the skills audit


Identify jobs and job categories as well as employees per job


Identify job profiles in terms of race, gender, disability and job category


Identify employees who should be involved in the skills audit process


Identify methods that will be used during the skills audit process


Develop documents to record the information


Identify the applicable period


Identify skills requirements of jobs and skills profiles of employees (perform the skills audit)


Record skills audit results


Identify training needs

In other words, the Skills Audit will determine what skills the employee has and what does he/she needs according to the performance agreement.

Click here to download an example of an action plan for the Skills Audit.

Implement the Action Plan
  • Identify the jobs and job categories as well as employees per job.

The SDF must have the following information available when starting the skills audit:

  • A list of job titles
  • List of the employees
  • (The Financial and HR departments should have this information)

Click here to download an example of a Skills Matrix.

Click here to download an example of a Skills Audit Feedback Report and an example of summary report on the skills audit.