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Planning And Organising Training Interventions

Completion requirements

One of the roles of the SDF (Skills Development Facilitator) or the designated person and the manager is to promote learning interventions. He/she can make use of the following:

  • E-mails, faxes or letters to the employees that explain what the intervention is about, the duration thereof, what the learners (employees) will achieve, the venue, etc.
  • Brochures
  • Presentations to the relevant target group
  • Posters

If you design any promotional material, it must include at least the following:

  • The name of the training programme
  • The duration
  • The venue(s)
  • The costs involved
  • Objectives (what will they achieve and what will they learn)
  • The benefits of attending this programme

Another role of the SDF (Skills Development Facilitator) or the designated person is to schedule all the training interventions. The schedule will depend on the following:

  • Which training priorities were identified.
  • The availability of training providers and the learners/employees.
  • The duration of the programmes.
  • The availability of the training budget.
  • The activities of the organisation.

Once this is done, it should be communicated to all the relevant parties (e.g. managers, supervisors, employees).

An example of the schedule:

Name of Programme

Names of Employees to Attend

Training Provider




Responsible Employee

Time Management

A. Marais

G. Moketsi

Organisation X

14 January

08:00 – 16;00

Training venue on the ground floor


Project management

P. Boitumelo

Organisation XX

22 Feb – 25 Feb

09:00 – 16:30

At the training venue of the provider



G. Masoeu

IT Section

12  26 March

08:00 – 15:30

IT section


It is important that learners that are included in the different programmes or training interventions were identified according to the appraisal that was completed and the PDP that was compiled between the employee and the supervisor or manager. These programmes are planned as indicated on the WSP. When these interventions are advertised, other learners may also complete booking or registration forms if there are places available.

The following logistical arrangements should also be kept in mind:

  • Travel arrangements for employees,
  • Accommodation arrangements for employees,
  • Preparing the venue (neat, tidy),
  • Set up of the equipment,
  • Arrangements for refreshments, and
  • Attendance registers.

Click here to download an example of the logistical checklist.