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Project Steps

Completion requirements

  1. Identify and prioritise the stakeholders' interests.
  2. Analyse their interests and requirements.
  3. Communicate to stakeholders, which of their requirements will be fulfilled or not fulfilled by the project.
  4. Develop a strategy to cope with the stakeholders.
  5. Include stakeholders’ interests and expectations in the requirements, objectives, scope, deliverables, time schedule and costs of the project plan.
  6. Place under risk management the threats and opportunities represented by the stakeholders.
  7. Identify the decision escalation process between the project team and the stakeholders.
  8. Ensure the stakeholders are satisfied in each project phase.
  9. Carry out the stakeholders’ management plan.
  10. Execute, communicate and manage changes in the stakeholders’ plan.
  11. Document the lessons learnt and apply to future projects.

Click here to view a video that explains what project management is.