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Technique 3: Mind Mapping

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Click here to view a video that explains the step by step directions for creating a mind map.

Mind mapping is a very powerful technique for improving the way you take notes. By using mind maps you show the structure of the subject and linkages between points as well as the raw facts contained in normal notes. Mind maps hold information in a format that your mind will find easy to remember and quick to review.

Mind maps abandon the list format of conventional note taking. They do this in favour of a two-dimensional structure. A good mind map shows the ‘shape’ of the subject, the relative importance of individual points and the way in which one fact relates to the other.

Mind maps abandon the list format of conventional notes, often taking up one side of paper. This helps you to make associations easily. If you find out more information after you have drawn the main mind map, then you can easily integrate it with little disruption.

Mind maps are also useful for summarising information; consolidating information from different research sources; thinking through complex problems and presenting information that shows the overall structure of your subject.

Mind maps are very quick to review, as it is easy to refresh information in your mind just by glancing at one. Mind maps can also be effective mnemonics. Remembering the shape and structure of mind map can provide the cues necessary to remember the information within it. They engage much more of the brain in the processes of assimilating and connecting facts than conventional notes.

A complete mind map may have main topic lines radiating in all directions from the centre. Sub-topics and facts will branch off these, like branches and twigs from the trunk of the tree. You do not need to worry about the structure produced, as this will evolve of its own accord.

Mind Mapping Method

To make notes on a subject using a mind map, draw it in the following way:

  • Draw a circle in the middle of a blank sheet of paper and write a project/goal/dream/idea in the centre of the circle.
  • For the major subject headings, draw lines (spokes or branches) radiating out from the central circle. Label these lines with the subheadings.
  • If you have another level of information belonging to the subheadings, draw these and link them to the subheadings.
  • For individual facts, thoughts or ideas draw lines out from the appropriate heading line and label them.
  • Next, translate the ideas to an outline form and try to create some action steps based on your thinking.
  • As you come across new information, link it in to the mind map appropriately.