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Teams at Work

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Today, teamwork applies to every business because without it, we can't serve the big picture.

If individuals and companies are going to be successful, we can no longer look at our organizations as departments, divisions or branch offices. We must look at the bigger picture and resolve to work together in ways we may never have done before.

That means we need to cooperate with the competition as well. Think of all the mergers and acquisitions we have seen in the past few years. Your number one competitor today could be your partner tomorrow.

But teamwork doesn't happen by accident. It requires commitment and effort, a willingness to accept the uniqueness of others and an appreciation of diversity. We need to build teams in our companies the same way we build relationships with our friends and co-workers. With team building, we establish ourselves and our companies as reliable, both internally and externally. We then project the same image to our customers, our vendors, competitors and communities.