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Moving the Team to the Next Stage

Completion requirements

Action steps:

Forming to Storming

Action steps:

Storming to Norming

Action steps:

Norming to Performing

  • Set a mission.
  • Set goals.
  • Establish roles.
  • Recognise need to move out of Forming stage.
  • Leader must be directive.
  • Figure ways to build trust.
  • Define a reward structure.
  • Take risks.
  • Bring group together periodically to work on common tasks.
  • Assert power.
  • Team leader should actively support and reinforce team behaviour, facilitate the group for wins, creative positive environment.
  • Leader must ask for and expect results.
  • Recognise, publicize, team wins.
  • Agree in individual’s roles and responsibilities.
  • Listen to each other.
  • Set and take team time together.
  • Request and accept feedback.
  • Have the vision: ”We can succeed!”
  • Maintain traditions.
  • Praise and flatter each other.
  • Self-evaluate without a fuss.
  • Share leadership role in team based on who does what best.
  • Share rewards and successes.
  • Communicate all the time.
  • Share responsibility.
  • Delegate freely within the team.
  • Commit time to the team.
  • Keep raising the bar-new, higher goals.
  • Be selective of new team members; train, maintain team spirit.