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Decision Making Process

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Decisions are made constantly at every level in organisations. Decision-making includes strategic decisions, managerial decisions, routine operational decisions and even personal decisions.

Many people find it hard to make effective decisions, but unfortunately, we all have to take decisions even when we decide not to take a decision, it’s a decision and has its impacts. So you should know how to take and make an effective decision in the right way.

Effective Decision-Making Definition

Decision-making is selecting choices or compromises from the available options in order to meet your goals or organisation’s goals.

Effective decision-making is about the process through which choices are selected from the available options and then managed through implementation to achieve your goals or organisation’s goal.

Effective Decision-Making Importance

As the manager, your decisions are very important because by a decision you can add value to your products, develop your team skills, increase the performance for the employees or increase the outcomes, by other words your decisions are the key of your success. So your decision is important to:

  1. Face the problems and challenges
  2. Motivate your employees
  3. Inspiring your people
  4. Increase the efficiency
  5. Handle the resources
  6. Grow your business

In this course you will learn how to make decisions when you have enough time to decide which action you will take will be better than others, but sometime you don’t have enough time to know which action is best and you have to make a decision fast; in cases like that you should take a decision while you are keeping an eye on your goals, then let your intuition suggest you the right choice.

Click here to view a video on the decision making process.