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Factor 2 - Channel Chosen by the Sender

Completion requirements

The choice of communication channel e.g. telephone, e-mail, face-to-face, is very important in getting the message across. Electronic media no longer forces people to be at their work stations or desks all the time because they can be reached via cell phones or pagers. Networked computers make organisational boundaries less relevant because employees can jump vertical levels much easier. 

Why do people choose one channel over another?

Time and cost are factors, but communication apprehension or anxiety also play an important part. People may be afraid to speak in front of a group or use the telephone or they are not comfortable with writing letters or memos. People will avoid situations where they must use a certain channel and that influence communication negatively. Telephoning an important message can result in misunderstandings because there is no written material that can be referred to. Sensitive issues may be handled better in face-to-face situations than over the telephone or via e-mail.

A written message may be regarded to be more serious than a verbal message. A memorandum is more formal than a note or email. A gesture/artefact/gift tends to be more personal/emotional – encoding the message with deeper meaning.