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Soil Permeability

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The ease with which air, water and roots can penetrate soil is determined by the number and size of the open spaces, or pores, in the soil. Clay soil have many pores, but they are very small. Such soil do not allow air, water or roots to move freely through them. Sandy soil, on the other hand, have fewer but larger pores, and air and water movement are much quicker.

As a result, the infiltration rate of water varies between soil types. The infiltration rate in sandy soil is relatively fast and could cause difficulty in ensuring even distribution with irrigation. The density of clay soil impedes water penetration. Water movement within the soil is also closely related to the soil structure.

Soil colour is a good guide of permeability:

Red colour - This indicates well-drained soil.

Yellow colour - This indicates moderate drainage.

Grey colour - Indicates that the soil is poorly drained and poorly aerated for long periods.