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Keirsey Preferences

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(Where you prefer to focus your attention)

People differ in their source of energy. Some people prefer to focus on the external world of people, things and experiences. They prefer Extraversion (E). Some people prefer to focus on the internal world of reflection and the inner processing of thoughts and ideas. They prefer Introversion (I).


(Nature of information preferred)

People tend to differ in the way they prefer to obtain or take in information. Some people prefer to obtain information by focusing on the here and now, on what they perceive as real, practical, and concrete: what they can verify with their Senses (S). Some people prefer to obtain information by focusing on possibilities, tendencies, and trends – on what could be perceived as of value beyond the here and now: what their Intuition tells them (N).


(Preferred basis for decision-making)

People also tend to differ in how they prefer to judge the information they obtain. Some people tend to judge and decide on information based on logical, analytical, critical analysis of objective principles. This is a Thinking approach (T). Some people tend to judge and decide based on an emphatic and logical understanding of human issues. This is a Feeling approach (F)


(Preferred orientation toward the outer world)

People also tend to differ in their preferred lifestyles. Some people prefer to follow a lifestyle characterised by order, planning and coming to closure. They prefer a Judging lifestyle (J). Some people prefer to follow a lifestyle characterised by flexibility, openness and going with the flow. They prefer a Perceptive lifestyle (P).

Click here to download more information on emotional preference.