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Praise Yourself

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You gain confidence through positive feedback, and if no one gives it to you, give yourself the positive feedback. When you have done something well, say “Well done!” or “Thank you, brain” to yourself. Isn’t it surprising how readily we criticise ourselves but how loath we are to praise ourselves?

It is healthy and good for you to give yourself credit for your achievements. We all need positive feedback and we need to learn to praise ourselves when we deserve it. It is perhaps also a good idea to make notes on cards of any successes you have had. Put your cards in a secret place and when you feel miserable or inadequate, take them out and read them. Think back to the good, successful, resourceful things you have done and enjoy reliving the event.

If you have guilt feelings about something in your past, don’t be so hard on yourself. Admit to yourself that under those circumstances this was the best you could have done, because at that stage you did not have the experience and insight you have now. Then forgive yourself. Say to yourself, “I did what I could at that stage, I forgive myself.”

If someone pays you a compliment, accept it with a smile and say, “Thank you.” That will make you and the other person feel good.