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Pillar 3: Be Fuelled with Energy

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Successful people are themselves committed (some writers refer to this as ‘being passionately committed’) to their purpose and goals. They radiate energy, are determined to realise their dreams and are therefore able to inspire other people.
Energetic people are connecting their energy force to their purpose. The power of energetic leadership can shape, and shift lives into new realms of energy, possibility and effectiveness. Recent discoveries have found that not only can an energetic atonement positively impact one’s physical body and emotional state, but these energies can also be used to create an environment that has the potential for the best opportunity.

Energetic living is based on the fact that we function in this world as human magnets drawing to ourselves the sum of the energy we put out. The total accounts for how we live our lives.

In today’s high-intensity work environment, managing your energies and stress levels is a challenge that effective leaders must address. Many systems within us can suffer from an overload of stress. The overload is caused by treating ourselves as one bulk commodity instead of recognising that we run on different levels of energies and multiple systems.