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International Regulations

Completion requirements

Apart from local legislation, international markets demand the implementation of credible and transparent systems for the production and packaging of fresh produce. Compliance with Good Agricultural Practice (GAP) standards such as EurepGAP and Tesco’s Nature’s Choice is now a prerequisite for suppliers of fresh produce to markets in the United Kingdom and European Union. In addition to these GAP standards, suppliers to certain markets have to provide proof of compliance with a variety of other standards for ethical trading, environmental issues, Integrated Pest Management and the like.

Apart from local legislation, international markets demand the implementation of credible and transparent systems for the production and packaging of fresh produce. Compliance with Good Agricultural Practice (GAP) standards such as EurepGAP and Tesco’s Nature’s Choice is now a prerequisite for suppliers of fresh produce to markets in the United Kingdom and European Union. In addition to these GAP standards, suppliers to certain markets have to provide proof of compliance with a variety of other standards for ethical trading, environmental issues, Integrated Pest Management and the like.

Understanding the specific Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) requirements of your markets of choice can be achieved by studying EurepGAP and the specific requirements of the various major retailers. An export agent can be consulted in this regard. Also, systems such as the Integrated Crop Management System developed by the South African fruit export company,

Capespan is particularly advanced and flexible.

The following key areas are relevant to most GAP requirements:

General management of the integrated crop management system

  • Environmental management
  • Responsible agricultural practices
  • Responsible use of agrochemical products
  • Safe and effective handling of agrochemical products
  • Social aspects
  • Food safety and quality management
  • Post-harvest handling and packing of the product

An important strategic objective for the farm is related to compliance with the GAP requirements of the market segments being targeted. Such an objective will not only express in clear terms what the goal(s) are, but also who will be accountable for meeting them, by when, where and how performance will be measured

Click here to view an explanation about good agricultural practices.