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Preparing for Conducting a Performance Planning Discussion

Completion requirements

The following steps must be taken before the discussion:

Review any existing individual performance agreement. Note what has and what has not been achieved.

Set aside at least one uninterrupted hour for the performance planning and agreement meeting.

Review the relevant business/department/team plan so that you are familiar with the key outputs required by the business relevant to the work you do.

Consider any issues that might arise during the meeting so that you will be fully prepared for any event.

Think about how you will create a positive atmosphere in the meeting (by not being defensive, demonstrating that you have some good ideas, listening to the other person carefully, asking for clarification when necessary, and so on).

The following steps should be taken during the discussion:

When the meeting starts make sure that both you and the staff member have all the materials you need, including previous performance agreements, business/department/team plan and preparatory notes.

The manager/supervisor has to play a lead role in facilitating this meeting but should not dominate the discussion. Always ask the staff member for her views rather than giving a solution before she had an opportunity to participate in the discussion. The manager and staff member should each be speaking around 50% of the time.

The manager/supervisor should set the performance context for the staff member. Discuss the priorities of the business as a whole and the department or team to which the staff member belongs.

Stick to the facts. Do not let personality differences get in the way of a productive meeting.