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Factors in the Working Environment

Completion requirements

Security is one of the most important human needs. This means that a person would like to have a job where there is security in terms of his position, his salary and fair treatment. If a worker feels that he has no security, can lose his work at any time and is treated unfairly, he will be uncertain of himself and not at all productive.

The manager can do the following:

  • Ensure that employees are treated fairly and protect them against unreasonableness.
  • Never threaten employees with dismissal.
  • Ensure that an employee gets the benefits he is entitled to.

If the above-mentioned extrinsic factors are absent, it leads to dissatisfaction amongst the workers. If these factors are present to a satisfactory extent, it does not necessarily lead to the motivation of workers, but only to their satisfaction. The intrinsic work factors usually contribute to obtaining high levels of motivation. This however takes place with difficulty if extrinsic factors are not provided satisfactorily.

Workplace Policy and Rules

Each workplace has certain rules and conditions that have to be complied with, for example: leave, working hours, overtime, discipline, membership in a pension fund, etc. These rules and especially the way in which they are applied by management and managers can influence a worker’s motivation to work.

What can a manager do in this regard?

  • He must ensure that he himself knows and understands the policy, rules and conditions of service.
  • He must inform his workers thereof.
  • He must see to it that the rules and benefits are applied fairly.
  • He must clear up any uncertainty about conditions of service and fringe benefits that workers might have.
Salary and Fringe Benefits

One of the reasons why one works is to earn money in order to meet certain basic needs. A worker’s will to work is adversely affected if he is dissatisfied with his salary, and doesn’t know how it is calculated and why money is deducted. This dissatisfaction leads to a negative attitude towards the organisation.

Although you as a manager can’t do much about an employee’s salary, you can apply the following:

  • Ensure that the person knows how his wages are calculated.
  • Help him if he has queries about his salary.
  • Explain to him where, how and when he will be paid each month.
  • Don’t hold back a worker if he qualifies for the promotion.
Working Conditions

Most people prefer to work in a pleasant and safe working environment. Therefore, the work should always be of such a nature that the employee isn’t hindered in the performance of his duties. The following aspects of the working conditions can reduce effectiveness, namely: a shortage of the necessary material and equipment, unnecessary danger, a shortage of safety equipment and unnecessary delays.

The manager must do the following:

  • See to it that workers have the necessary tools and equipment at all times.
  • Keep the workplace pleasant and clean.
  • Create a safe environment by removing unsafe conditions and training employees in industrial safety.
  • Provide the necessary safety equipment such as dust goggles, hard-hat, gloves, etc.
Interpersonal Relations Between Managers and Co-Workers

As has already been seen, people have a need for friendship; acceptance and recognition from other people and want to belong to a group. People therefore like a job where they get on well with their managers and co-workers.

If relations aren’t good, a worker doesn’t feel part of the group, he becomes unhappy, he doesn’t do his best in his work – and he will then possibly also not stay with the particular organisation for long.

The manager can do the following:

  • Try and develop good relations between you and your employee.
  • Thorough induction, training, proper communication and fair discipline contribute to good relations.
  • Treat employees with the necessary respect and fairness.
  • Be friendly and helpful.
  • Listen to problems and help to find solutions for them.
  • Encourage employees to function as a team and make a newcomer part of the team.
  • Show sincere personal interest in, and respect for, your people.
Management Impact

Employees expect help and guidance from their managers. This means that the manager must have the necessary technical knowledge as well as knowledge of human nature in order to guide them and gain their respect. The manner in which a manager manages staff has a great impact on the extent to which employees are motivated.

A manager who doesn’t know the work himself and who can’t work with people sets a poor example to employees.

Action by management? The following aspects are important:

  • Develop a thorough technical knowledge and working skills.
  • Develop a good knowledge of human nature – understanding your employees' needs.
  • Help employees by training them and solving their work problems.
  • Encourage employees.
  • Talk positively.
  • Provide structure and help them organise difficult tasks.

Click here to view an explanation regarding the factors in the working environment that have an influence on staff motivation.