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Marketing Channels For Produce

Completion requirements

The figure above illustrates the different paths for produce sold by farmers until it reaches the consumer. Produce from farmers is sold to consumers and traders at the farm gate, usually through informal transactions where prices and terms of exchange are unofficially negotiated.

Farmers face difficulties in accessing markets and as a result, markets do not serve their interests. Technical and institutional constraints make it difficult for them to access commercial markets.

Good roads, transportation and communication links are prerequisites to market access. Proper post-harvest handling and storage contribute to ensuring quality maintenance for perishable agricultural products.

Farmers often rely on open-air storage and therefore are keen to sell produce almost immediately after harvesting, leading them to sell their product at a lower price.

Road infrastructure and transport availability have an influence on smallholder market participation, especially if they are in rural areas. Inability to transport products in time may result in produce spillage and losses.