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Completion requirements

At this point in the plan the objectives must be outlined. Having defined where it is, the business must specify where it wants to go. An objective must be:

  • Measurable
  • Time-constrained
  • Give responsibility

A marketing plan will include both financial and marketing objectives.

Bill Jones, in conjunction with Smith’s financial team, has formulated the following financial objectives for Tica-treat:

  • An average return on investment for the next three years of 25%
  • Net profits for 1998 of R 200 000
  • A cash flow of R1 000 000 for 1998.

He has also formulated the following marketing objectives for Tica-treat:

  • Attain sales of R 2 000 000 for 1998, an increase of 33% over 1997
  • Expand customer brand awareness from 50% to 60% and top-of-mind awareness from 35% to 50% by the end of the year.
  • Increase market share from 10% to 16% by end of 1998.

All the above objectives will be the primary responsibility of Bill Jones.

Objectives should also be stated in order of importance and be reasonably challenging.