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Customer Buying Motives and Behaviours

Completion requirements

Consumer Behaviour - the study of consumers and how they make decisions.

Final Consumer - buys a product or service for personal use, e.g. when you buy a notebook, take it to school, and use it in your marketing class you are a final consumer.

Business Consumers - buys goods and services to produce and market other goods and services for resale, e.g. the notebook manufacturer buys paper, ink, glue, etc. to produce and sell notebooks.

Buying Behaviour - describes the decision processes and actions of consumers as they buy and use services and products. It is advantageous for marketers to understand the process customers go through when selecting goods and services to purchase so that they can assist the customers in making the best possible decisions.

Consumer Decision-Making Process - a process in which consumers collect information and make choices between alternatives.

Customer Wants and Needs
Lecturer Broadcast

Click here to view an explanation about customers’ needs and wants.

Klik hier om na ‘n verduideliking van klientebehoeftes en -begeertes te luister.

Explanation by lecturer Johan Kleingeld from Edge Consulting, an expert on customer service.

Abraham Maslow is a psychologist, who, in his "Hierarchy of Needs" identified five areas of needs that people have.

Self-Actualisation – to realise your potential (intellectual growth, creativity, accomplishment – attending college, taking music lessons)

A house that is designed and built by the owner

Esteem – respect and recognition (running for student council)

A well-maintained house with a landscaped yard.

Social – friends, love, belonging (joining organisations/clubs/sports teams)

A house for a young family with children in a neighbourhood with many other young families.

Security – physical safety and economic security

 A house in a safe neighbourhood with a security system

Physiological – food, sleep, water, shelter, air (these needs are not options)

A house that offers protection from the weather

Needs change as the needs at each level are met. Needs must be met at the lowest levels first, before the needs at the next level can be met.

By understanding what motivates and influences customer purchases, businesses are able to provide the products and services at the right place and the right time.

Types of consumer buying behaviour are determined by:

  • Level of involvement in purchase decision. Importance and intensity of interest in a product in a particular situation.
  • Buyers' level of involvement determines why they are motivated to seek information about a certain product and brand but virtually ignores others.

High involvement purchases. Honda Motorcycles, high-priced goods, products visible to others, and the higher the risk the higher the involvement. Types of risks:

  • Personal risk
  • Social risk
  • Economic risk