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PRP 12: Physical And Chemical Contamination

Completion requirements
Physical Contamination

This PRP it is described how the contamination of foods with physical hazards is controlled in the company. First, a list of physical hazards that can occur in the company, can be made (glass, hard plastic, metal, wood, etc). For every type of physical hazard, it should be described how this hazard is controlled. This can be done by a clear policy in the company by which e.g., wood and glass are kept out, or by the implementation of once-only measures to remove the hazard (e.g., placing of a partition wall, protection of lighting, etc).

The control of the presence of glass and hard plastic can be done by thoroughly elaborated checklists for glass and hard plastic. The frequency of control can be adapted based on a risk analysis. For example; unprotected glass and hard plastic in an area where unpacked products are handled and where there is a big chance that when there is breakage, glass splinters or small parts of plastic come in the product. In this case, a daily control with registration before the start of the production activities is necessary.

Besides, there is also a need for a procedure for the breakage of glass or hard plastic. This procedure includes:

  • Which activities need to be carried out in the case of breakage?
  • Within which radius the product needs to be removed?
  • Cleaning of glass: who? what?
  • Who needs to be informed?
  • What should be registered?
Chemical Contamination

This PRP it is described how the contamination of foods with chemical hazards is controlled in the company. First, a list of chemical hazards that can occur in the company can be made (additives, chemical products that are present in the company, lubricants, cleaning and disinfection agents, etc). For every type of chemical hazard, it should be described how this hazard is controlled. This can be done by a clear policy in the company e.g., use only food-grade lubricants in the company (including the points where there is no direct contact with the product), a specific work methodology for adding colouring agents. Or by the implementation of once-only measures the hazard can be removed (e.g., automatic balances for the weighing of additives, lubricate only in the weekend when there is no production, etc).

Also, more general measures can be established. A clear description is then needed who can work with which products and in which concentration (e.g., cleaning and disinfection products can only be used by the cleaning personnel, product for the cleaning of the printers can only be used by a technician, etc). If necessary specific training by the supplier of these products can be necessary. Moreover, the safety card and operating instructions need to be present in the company.

When the general control measures are insufficient, specific control measures can be included in the HACCP plan.