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Restraining Animals

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Physical Restraining the Animal

Animal restraint is the process of preventing an animal or group of animals from action or motion, for example, flight or attack for various purposes. An animal may require restraint for examination, treatment, milking etc.

A Bridle is used to handle a horse
A halter can be used in almost all ruminants especially if you want to lead it calmly.

An example of a crush made with wooden poles
An example of an animal weighing scale with a clamp to catch the animal.
Examples of crush pens and clamps that are designed to handle cattle.
A sorting area to handle cattle and a clamp to catch them.
Modern handling equipment used for sheep and goats
Modern handling equipment used for sheep and goats
Modern cattle and sheep crushes are used to move animals onto trucks, into scales, and into kraals.
Modern cattle and sheep crushes are used to move animals onto trucks, into scales, and into kraals.
Throw Lariats
These are ropes used often by cowboys to catch and hold animals such as cattle and horses.


The throwing over of an animal so that it can be managed on the ground.

Ropes are used for casting a pig.
Ropes are used for casting a cow.
Handheld Nets

Trap Cages

Bull Holder / Nose Clamp

Click here to view a video that explains the restraining of animals.

Click here to view a video that explains cattle handling facilities.

Chemically Restraining the Animal
  • Tranquillizers are compounds that calm or quiet anxious animals. For example Neuroleptics (ACP) or anti-anxiety drugs like valium.
  • Sedatives are used to relieve irritability or excitement
  • Anaesthesia can be provided (either complete or partial) which causes a complete loss of feeling or sensation and muscle relaxation (This can be done especially if the animal needs to be operated on).
  • These compounds can be administered either intravenously (difficult with an anxious animal), intramuscularly (easier to administer) or with a blow dart or darting gun (if the animal is impossible to approach).

Captive bolt pistol – this is a hand-held weapon for euthanasia of large animals. The muzzle is placed against the subject’s forehead (different species have different locations). When the trigger is pulled a 3 cm rod, 1 cm in diameter exits sharply to pierce the skull and damage the brain. The rod does not leave the weapon and there is no possible risk of injuring a bystander.

An example of a captive bolt pistol.

Correct points to aim for with a captive bolt.
Correct points to aim for with a captive bolt.