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Why Are We Not Delegating?

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What’s keeping you from delegating? Probably, it’s either believing you’re the only one who can do a task correctly, feeling like you need to be in control, attempting to address unmet needs, desiring the adrenaline rush of being busy or feeding your ego.

Have you ever said, “No-one can do it as well as I can”? The truth is, there are many experienced people who can perform certain tasks as well as or even better than, you. Another statement would be more effective: “I can find someone who can do it as well as me.” When you stop trying to do everything, you can focus more on your true gifts.

Sometimes your need to be in control stops you from delegating. When you need to be in control, you’re effectively giving away much of your personal power. You can reclaim this power when you let go of your need to be in control. Then you’ll be able to delegate more easily. If you really want to free up some space and time, look at the areas in which you’re controlling and see how you can change. You’ll know if you’re trying to control others if you are trying to take over, have your own personal agenda and get other people to do what you want whether it’s right for them or not. You’re want to control when you believe that it must be done your way and aren’t open to other suggestions and possibilities. What will it take for you to let go of being in control?

Delegating can also be difficult for people who have unmet needs, such as the need to please everyone, to keep people happy, to be liked by everyone and to do everything. You’ll be able to delegate better when these needs are satisfied. When you resist delegating, ask yourself, “What is my need in this situation that’s stopping me from delegating?” If, for instance, your answer is the need to please everyone, consider in what other ways you can meet this need and free yourself to delegate the task.

Your ego may also be stopping you from delegating. When you expect other people to agree with you, when you stop listening to feedback, when you have disregard for people and when you need time, money and attention from others to feel fulfilled, your ego is getting in the way. You need to set aside your ego and start living from your true self. Invest in your mind, body and spirit for a healthier looking life. You’ll receive what you really want in your life in a healthy way without demanding from other people. Where in your life is your ego getting in the way of delegating? What will it take for you to shift from your ego to your true self?

Another reason you might avoid delegating is that you enjoy having lots to do and are always pushing yourself. You end up relying on adrenaline to keep going. This is unhealthy. Using adrenaline to get through life causes lots of ups and downs. You need to shift from adrenaline to a healthier and steadier source of energy.