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4.2 Duties on Route in Terms of SANS 10231

Completion requirements
When on the route, the driver is required to adhere to the following, in terms of SANS 10231:
  • Follow the route planned by the operator and authorised by the emergency response centres on the route, using freeways, main roads and trunk roads wherever possible, but subject to deliveries in a local distribution area. No deviation is permitted unless ordered by law enforcement authorities or the operator;
  • Stop only in pre-planned safe areas;
  • Do not stop otherwise except during an emergency, or for pre-planned stops made for the purpose of delivery, or at scheduled intervals of 2h for the purpose of checking the vehicle and tyres. When the vehicle is stopped en route, other than at an authorised stopping place, for vehicle and tyre checks, the hazard warning lights shall be switched on for an emergency or breakdown. The driver shall stop only in a safe area;
  • Do not in any circumstances leave the vehicle unattended in an unsupervised area;
  • Do not permit unloading of (or, if relevant, decanting of) part of the load if he is detained en-route because of axle overloading, except in an authorised and properly equipped area under competent supervision and after the operator has been informed;
  • Observe good driving practice by the use of forethought to anticipate problems, for example by driving in such a way that reversing or difficult or risky manoeuvres are avoided;
  • In the event of an unscheduled stop not within a safe area, switch on the vehicle hazard warning lights, place the warning triangle(s) on the road (as specified in the road traffic regulations) and inform the authorities and the operator without delay;
  • In the event of either an incident in which spillage occurs or any other occurrence which puts the cargo at risk, take action as above, and shall consult the Tremcard and alert the emergency services and the police or the traffic police. (if means of remote communication is not available, the driver shall flag down passing travellers and request that this information be relayed to the nearest emergency service, policeman or traffic policeman); and
  • Regularly and at prescribed intervals, check all load indicators, such as pressure gauges, for the correct readings.
  • On reaching his destination, the driver shall report to the qualified person.