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Telephone Service Procedures

Completion requirements

Click here to view a video that explains proper telephone etiquette.

Answering the Call
  • Smile
  • Answer promptly within three rings
  • Greet the caller courteously
  • Identify yourself and your organization or department
  • Speak clearly and directly to the receiver
  • Use the caller’s name
  • Ask to be of service
  • Take notes
  • Turn all your attention to the phone. Suspend all other conversation
  • Listen intelligently. Concentrate on the call
Putting the Caller on Hold
  • Ask the caller if he or she would like to hold and wait for the caller’s response.
  • Use the hold feature on your telephone.
  • Return to the caller every thirty seconds if it takes longer.
  • Tell the caller if he or she will be put on hold for a long period and explain the delay.
  • Thank the caller for waiting when returning to the telephone.

Points to remember while on hold:

  • Any information that you need to obtain must be accessed promptly.
  • Only attend to the customer’s problem while your customer is on hold.
  • You are on the customer’s time, don’t waste it.
  • One or two minutes will not seem like a long time to you because you will be busy. It can seem endless to the person waiting.
  • During the off-line time, you will search for the correct information and provide the customer with the right number.
  • You will also prepare yourself for an explanation if your search is not successful.
Transferring a Call
  • Try to handle the situation yourself
  • Ask the caller for permission to transfer his or her call
  • Let the caller know to whom he or she is being transferred
  • Give the caller the number of the person to whom you are transferring the call
  • Follow correct operational procedures

Click here to view a video that explains how to transfer the call.

Taking a Message
  • Tell the caller that the person requested is not available
  • Offer to help or to have someone else help the caller
  • Ask if you may take a message
  • Give the caller the option of calling back or having his or her call returned
  • Ask for the caller’s full name, telephone number and message. Note the time and the date
  • Verify information, including correct spelling
  • Say, “I’ll ask him or her to call you” not “I’ll have him or her call you”
  • Don’t ask, “Who’s calling?”
  • If possible, give the caller some indication of when the person will be available
  • Never indicate where the person is or what he or she is doing

Click here to view a video that explains the skills for taking a message

During the Call
  • Try to avoid getting off-track.
  • Take complete and accurate notes of the conversation, even for routine calls
  • If the caller does digress, bring him or her back to the main point of the conversation
  • Ending the Call
  • End the call pleasantly
  • Try to use the caller’s name
  • Don’t end the conversation too abruptly
  • Don’t leave the other person dangling
  • Thank the caller
  • Hang up gently
  • Let the caller hang up first

Click here to view, download, print and complete the telephone communication skills.


As soon as a customer rings, you have the opportunity to convert it into a visit and a potential sale. The more helpful, approachable and polite you are the more likely will the customer's visit be. However, it is essential that certain points be followed:

  • Greet the customer politely and professionally
  • Establish the customer's needs
  • Take control of the call
  • Gain the customer's commitment

Always remember that your telephone technique is a skill, which should be practised and mastered so that it becomes part of your overall customer service, based on professionalism and quality.