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There will be times when customers are more than just annoyed – they will be ANGRY!  Some customers will be angry because they have a good reason to be – mistakes and oversights do happen.  Some customers will just be angry because that’s their style.

Some customers will be angry, not necessarily because of the current problem, but because of old grudges about being treated unfairly or impersonally by the company in the past.

Angry customers are not always a bad thing!  A complaining customer may expose policies, procedures or practices that need to be changed or eliminated.  Angry, complaining customers make us aware of our mistakes, which allows us to make improvements that benefit other customers in the future.

Remind yourself that usually, the customer is not angry with you personally.  He is angry about the service provided to him by the company.  As a representative of the company, you are the customer’s only “connection” inside the company, his only hope for the resolution of the complaint!  Some people feel they have to be hostile and aggressive to ensure that their query is taken seriously.

Click here to view a video that explains the six best ways to handle angry customers.