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Management of Your Personal Finances

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Responsible Management of Your Personal Finances in the Years to Come

With uncertainty greeting us every day, it can feel nearly impossible to plan for the future. Don’t fall into this trap. Now, more than ever is the time to focus and refocus by taking proactive steps for your career, finances, and health.

As mentioned, our economy has endured a thrashing as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and the current economic situation in South Africa. Even when things return to ‘business as usual’, it will be embraced in its loosest interpretation, with the recession being felt in every business and household.

But, if you choose to look beyond the challenges and tough times, you could find the opportunity for future success. There will be those who emerge from this crisis stronger than ever, having used this opportunity to finally make their dreams a reality, driven by their search for meaning and an enduring resilience, reflected in their positive choices to act. Households will indeed have to learn strict discipline in managing their personal finances during these strenuous times. Now is the time to make choices that will help you, not only to endure but to strengthen your foundation for future success.

This course is aimed at employees, from operational to management level, who will remain in employ during these difficult times, and who wish to obtain advice and guidelines on how to live effectively and disciplined with whatever means of income are available. This course provides a step-by-step practical approach to managing personal finance effectively and responsibly during times of economic crises.