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Repairing Relationships

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If communication is the life-blood of a healthy relationship, then a transfusion of free, open communication should be the first order of business in any relationship repair. It is important to select the right time (when you think the other party will be receptive), the right place (private and free from interruptions) and the discussion should open in a quiet non-threatening manner.

Once the time and place are ‘right’ and both parties are comfortable, you should state your own way that you would like to discuss a win-win system that will restore the relationship and keep it healthy. You should invite the other party to describe what it will take to adjust the system so that both parties will benefit in the future.

In most one-to-one human situations, some compromise is necessary if the relationship is to be maintained. Often, a little ‘give’ from one end will do the trick. Often, both parties must ‘soften’ their position from time to time.

Why is compromise so difficult? One reason may be because many people establish such rigid and defiant positions to begin with that any compromise could be interpreted as ‘weakness’ or failure.