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Factors to Consider when Uncertain about  Candidate

Completion requirements

Apart from the evaluation of interviews, one can judge the candidate on the following points.

Body Language

Body language and non-verbal communication speak more than words. You can observe body language of the candidate and judge him/her accordingly.

Points that could help are-

  • Does the candidate seem eager? Observe his tone of voice.
  • Does posture support eagerness and willingness to take up the job? An eager candidate will lean forward to give answers.
  • What is the career goal? Does the opportunity align with it?
  • Does he give thoughtful responses?
  • Observe eye contact. Good eye contact suggests transparency and honesty, whereas poor eye contact will suggest that the candidate is lying.
  • Fidgeting and touching face and hair excessively suggest that the candidate is nervous and lacks self-confidence. Hand gestures while talking certainly suggest stability and confidence.

Behaviour Outside Interview Room

All candidates are at their best behaviour inside the interview room, but you may ask the receptionist how he spoke to her.

You may ask passers-by in the parking lot and lobby about his behaviour with others. A rude and arrogant person is not a good hire.

Reference Check

During the interview process, you must ask candidates to give 2-3 references.

You can validate a candidate’s information and get further insight into his skills and the past roles he held. Talking directly to his reporting manager will give you an accurate assessment.

Generally, people give vague replies to the questions asked in reference checks. Make sure you ask them probing questions and ask them to demonstrate the most remarkable deed he or she did during the association with the company. Other details like salary and designation should also be checked to ensure the candidate is not lying.

Outside references should be avoided as they will give tailored responses and would oversell his or her friend. You may consider supervisors, clients, colleagues for reference checks.

This step should be done without failure, because you just cannot blindly believe what a candidate says.

Second Interview

Even after the strenuous evaluation process, one can still be in doubt. More often, hiring managers are uncertain to choose between 2 - 3 candidates. In such events, having a second interview will help make your decision easier.

Activity On Social Networking Sites

Many companies view Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn accounts of the candidate. It gives the real picture of the candidate; one can check LinkedIn to see recommendations from friends, colleagues, clients and superiors.

One can obtain better judgment on personality by looking at the Facebook profile and the tweets he or she uploads. You will get a hint whether he is a good cultural fit.