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How To Limit Exposure To Hazardous Substances

Completion requirements

 The objective is to prevent or adequately control, exposure to substances hazardous to health, so as to prevent ill health.

Using control equipment, e.g. total enclosure, a partial enclosure, Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV) workplace fume and dust extraction. Control equipment can be:

  • General ventilation
  • Extraction systems such as local exhaust ventilation
  • In an enclosure or where the air cannot be cleaned, respiratory protective equipment (RPE). Includes:
    • spillage capture
    • decontamination
    • clean-up procedures and
    • Personal protective equipment (PPE).

Controlling procedures, e.g. ways of working, supervision and training to reduce exposure, maintenance, examination and testing of control measures. Ways of working include:

  • Operating procedures
  • Supervision and training
  • Emergency procedures
  • decontamination and
  • 'Permits to work' for tasks such as maintenance.

Worker behaviour, ensure employees follow the control measures.

Changing how often a task is undertaken, or when, or reducing the number of employees nearby, can make an improvement to exposure control.

Employers are responsible for taking effective measures to control exposure and protect health.

These measures can also improve production or cut waste.

Employer responsibility includes:

  • Wearing any PPE necessary
  • Using control equipment
  • Following hygiene procedures
  • Warning supervisors if anything appears to be wrong