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Preventative Measures (SO2-AC1)

Completion requirements

The first defence in preventing employee exposure to hazardous chemical solvents is prevention. Any company utilising dangerous chemical solvents should have a written handling and disposal procedure for each chemical solvent.

  • Provide the appropriate ventilation to remove concentrations of the chemical solvent in the air.
  • Provide employees with respiratory protection when necessary to eliminate exposure risk.
  • Create and utilise a detailed processing, handling and storage procedure for all chemical solvents used within the workplace.
  • Store all chemicals properly to reduce exposure and utilize both normal and emergency use policies for those chemical solvents within the workplace.
  • Utilise sound workplace practices and techniques to limit employee exposure. This should include both process and maintenance-related activities, especially, since maintenance-related exposures constitute a higher portion of employee exposures than typical processing.

All of these preventive measures can be employed within the workplace regardless of the chemical solvents used.