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Components of Risks

Completion requirements
Consequence/Severity (how serious)

Consequences are the expected severity. The severity is expressed in terms of the effect on the person, whether an injury or ill health and ranges from minor injury to death.

The risks are higher if an accident is likely to result in serious injury or death, than a bruise or a scratch

Probability/Likelihood (how likely)

By evaluating the risks associated with each hazard you have identified, you’re deciding how likely it is that harm will occur from the hazard. The likelihood should be based on the worst-case scenario, ranging from a remote possibility to the inevitable.

Factors affecting the likelihood include:

  • Number of times the situation occurs
  • Location of the hazards
  • Duration of the exposure
  • Environmental conditions
  • Competence of the people involved, and
  • The condition of the equipment

Frequency (how often)

How often is the activity involving the hazard taking place? How many people come into contact with it? Risks are higher when frequency of contact is higher.