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Follow-up Actions on Continuous Risk Assessment is Implemented Accordingly (SO4-AC2)

Completion requirements

Reviewing risk controls. A review, and if necessary, a revision is required: when the control measure does not control the risk it was implemented to control. Before a change at the workplace is likely to give rise to a new or different health and safety risk that the control measure may not effectively control.

But first, control measures need actually to be developed, implemented and documented within the scope systems.

This happens after:

  • Identifying hazards,
  • Analysing risk,
  • Assessing risk, and
  • Reviewing and documenting existing control measures.

Control measures need to actively exist in the operational environment, and not simply exist “on paper". This seems like a rather obvious point, but you might be surprised how often this issue arises.

Click here to view an explanation of the hierarchy of control.