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Causes of the Incident are Identified (SO3-AC4)

Completion requirements

For simpler incidents, brainstorming and checklists may be sufficient to identify root causes.

Investigation into the incident must include:

  • Immediate causes
  • Basic causes
  • Lack of control
  • Inadequate risk assessment

Click here to view a video about the incident investigation that explains how to define the problem.

Click on the link/s below to open the resources.

The table assists to measure actual incident events and compare with required standards and procedures.

Root Cause - The Five "Whys" Method

‘Why’ is asked to find each preceding trigger until we supposedly arrive at the root cause of the incident. Also known as a Why Tree, it is a simple form of root cause analysis. By repeatedly asking the question, ‘Why?’ you peel away layers of issues and symptoms that can lead to the root cause.

It can be used whenever the real cause of a problem or situation is not clear

Click here to view a video about the 5 whys to learn problem-solving.

Steps to take action based on Root Cause Analysis:

  1. Define the problem
  2. Collect data
  3. Ask why
  4. Identify corrective actions
  5. Identify solutions that will help the problem from recurring
  6. Implement the solution

Click here to view a video that explains the root cause analysis.