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Remedial Action is Evaluated and Recorded Accordingly (SO4-AC3)

Completion requirements

Management is responsible for evaluating and acting on the recommendations in the accident investigation report. The health and safety committee, if you have one, can monitor the progress of these actions.

Follow-up actions include:

  • Respond to the recommendations in the report by explaining what can and cannot be done (and why or why not).
  • Develop a timetable for corrective actions.
  • Monitor that the scheduled actions have been completed.
  • Check the condition of the injured worker(s).
  • Inform and train other workers at risk.
  • Re-orient worker(s) on their return to work.

A report will be produced and signed by management, the health and safety committee and representatives from the employee side.

Click here to view a video about the incident investigation that explains how to take sustainable corrective actions.