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Achieving Content Goals

Completion requirements

Content goals are defined by what you want your learners to know or be able to do when you finish training. Take the following steps to achieve your content goals:

Research your workshop subject until you are not hearing or seeing any newer material. You can't fake content. After thoroughly researching your subject, you will have more information than can be effectively delivered in one workshop. Futurist Alvin Toffler has said that a New York Times daily newspaper contains more information than a 17th century person would have encountered in his lifetime. From an abundance of information, you must select what can be effectively presented in the time available.

Choose the main points of your workshop - its essence. These points define what learners should know at the end of the workshop.

Arrange your objectives in sequence. The order you put them in will be your workshop's agenda. The agenda is not only your guide but serves to focus learners' attention on the workshop's content. The sequence you choose should be easy to follow and progress logically from one objective to the next.

Provide your learners as much hands-on practice as possible. Applying learning is the surest way to retain it.