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Arranging Resources, Locations and Personnel

Completion requirements

In the contracting process (between the facilitator and client) the following issues should be determined:

  • Why are we having the workshop?
  • What we want to have in our hands at the end of the workshop? Goals, outcomes and the form of the results of the workshop (e.g. action plan, strategy document, happy team, etc.)
  • Who are the most important people/stakeholders to be asked to participate in the workshop?
  • How much time is available for preparations, mobilisation, and the actual workshop?
  • What are the different roles and responsibilities, including who is paying for what?

The facilitator has an important role to play in the contracting phase in guiding the client in determining realistic outcomes of the workshop.

Click here to view a video that explains the contracting steps.

The contracting step: meeting, should be days before the workshop.

The most common reason for a facilitation to fail – either before, during or after the actual meeting(s) – can be related back to a bad/absent contract.