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Drafting a Facilitation Plan

Completion requirements

A facilitation plan is a step-by-step plan of how the facilitator plans to reach the desired outcome. A facilitation plan is more than just a programme or agenda – its clearly states what is expected to be achieved, how this is to be achieved and how the different programme items/activities will contribute to the desired outcome.

Resources: Click on the link/s below to open the example of what are usually included in a facilitation plan.

Facilitation Plan

Most facilitators develop their own formats for facilitation plans and these formats may vary depending on the kind of workshop that is being facilitated. However, irrespective of the format it is vital that a detailed facilitation is developed, the logic checked to ensure that the process will allow for the right questions to be asked and the answers to these questions developed in a participatory fashion.

Principles to Use in Developing the Facilitation Plan/Designing the Workshop

Always start the concept of the workshop with the issue, never with the method. Having established the relevant issue for the participatory process, the goals of the workshop and target group can be formulated. The goals should be measurable, specific and in accordance with targeted deadlines. These can be followed by questions, which will steer the discussion and train of thought of the learners. The questions will break down the goals into clearly formulated tasks, which set off a creative process. Only after the questions have been formulated should the facilitator begin to think about the appropriate method to be applied. The rule is: no method for the method’s sake but only in order to reach a goal.