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Facilitation for Learners with Special Needs

Completion requirements

You can accommodate all learners with special needs as follows:

Language - If the assessment does not take place in the mother tongue of the learner, allow for interpreter. If necessary, take into consideration possible speech impediments and allow the learner additional time.

Functional illiteracy - Even if a learner is functionally illiterate, they can be assessed and found competent in this unit standard, apply strategies as prescribed by provider’s policies and procedures appropriately to allow learners to reflect their competence. If you are unsure of the appropriate methodology contact the training provider’s Quality Assurance Manager for assistance.

Disabilities - Accommodate learners with disabilities by utilising resources such as sign language interpreters, Braille guides, etc.

Dyslexia and/or Nervous Conditions - Take extra care to place learners at ease prior to assessment. Allow learners additional time. Allow learner alternate methodologies or design alternate assessment tools to accommodate the learner i.e. Interview rather than knowledge questionnaires.

Click here to view a video that explains special education teaching strategies.