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Feedback to Relevant Parties

Completion requirements

  • Feedback was provided to the learner during formative assessments.
  • Feedback was provided to the learner after the summative assessment.
  • Feedback from the learner regarding the assessment process was available (for both formative and summative assessments).

Importance of Feedback to all Stakeholders

Training and development are often a very costly and intensive process for all the stakeholders.

  • Learners are under pressure to perform and meet the outcomes and learning objectives set.
  • The organisation is under operational pressure during times when learners are learning or being assessed.
  • The organisation and other stakeholders (such as the SETA/training provider), are often expending substantial resources on delivering the learning programmes and managing the assessment processes.

It is thus very important to ensure that you deliver feedback to all stakeholders in a clear, concise and timeous manner.

This feedback should not only include the formal feedback given to the learner on the competence judgement that you as assessor will make.

It means that you should report back on the actual assessment process and how well the principles of good assessment were implemented or can be improved into the future.

Remember that feedback ensures that the learner has been given an understanding of how he/she performed in the assessment and that he/she understands what follows next; i.e. have the credits been awarded or must an action plan be put in place to reach competence.

Feedback from the learner in terms of assessment assists the assessor to ensure that the learner has understood and accepted the assessment decision, and to assist the assessor with improvements for future assessments.