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Completion requirements
Functions of the Standard Generating Bodies (SGB’s)
  • Generate unit standards and qualifications
  • Update and review unit standards
  • Recommend unit standards and qualifications to the NSB

Functions of the National Standards Bodies (NSB):
  • Defines the boundaries of its fields of learning in relation to other fields
  • Defines sub-fields of learning
  • Recognises/establishes SGBs
  • Ensures that the work of the SGBs meet the SAQA requirements
  • Recommends registration of unit standards and qualifications on the NQF
  • Controls the moderation of education and training quality assurers (ETQA)

Functions of the Education and Training Quality Assurance (ETQA)
  • Accredit providers of education and training
  • Promote quality amongst providers
  • Monitor provisions by providers
  • Register assessors
  • Certify learners, recommend new and modified standards
  • Maintain databases acceptable to SAQA
  • Submit reports to SAQA