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The Individual Performance Plan

Completion requirements

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Once you have identified the goals and objectives for your department you are able to break it down even further by identifying performance objectives and goals for specific teams and individuals within your division.

You would need to consider the following aspects:

  • Job roles and responsibilities for which teams and individuals were appointed.
  • The level of expertise of individual team members.
  • The level of competence of individual team members.
  • The time availability of team members.

To allocate the goals and objectives, the manager can draw an organigram of his/her direct reporting department and then map out which goals and objectives are to be achieved by which teams and individual team members. This will assist to ensure that team members function on their correct level and that objectives are well spread amongst team members.

This process must be brought down another level by identifying Key Performance Area’s (KPA’s) for everyone, as well as performance objectives and goals relevant to the achievement of those KPA’s based on individual levels of expertise, competence and time availability.

The Individual’s Job Description: The first step in the performance management process for a staff member is to identify the roles they have been employed to perform and the skills they possess to fulfil these roles. These details are contained in the ‘job description’.

The Business/Team/Department Plan: Once you have determined the role the person is required to play and are clear about their skills and experience level, you are able to match these with the performance requirements of your team/department/business. Based on the relevant business’s/team’s/department’s performance plan, note the key performance requirements of the persons you are considering. These requirements are determined by the role they play in achieving the departmental or team objectives.