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Discipline In The Workplace

Completion requirements

The purpose of disciplinary action is to correct, not to punish, work-related behavior. Each employee is expected to maintain standards of performance and conduct as outlined by the immediate supervisor and to comply with applicable policies, procedures and laws. When an employee does not meet the expectations set by the supervisor or other appropriate authority, counselling and/or disciplinary action may be taken to address the employee’s behavior.

From a practical perspective, workplace discipline, its fair application and fair pre-dismissal procedures are of considerable importance, as employers often discipline employees and sometimes find themselves facing difficult factual and legal issues. While it may appear simple to identify whether an employee has breached a workplace rule or standard, complicated facts may cloud the issues, the event, and the answers. In determining whether dismissal is appropriate in the circumstances of a case, the employer may have to weigh up a number of factors to come to a decision. While many misconduct cases appear to be straightforward, most of them are uniquely challenging.