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Not the Role Of The Chairperson To Lead Evidence And To Prove Guilt

Completion requirements

A chairperson should only ask questions for clarity.

After the employee’s representative have questioned a witness, ask questions to clarify issues. This is called re-examination and will only be asked in relation to questions asked by the accused’s representative to clarify issues the witness confused or were not clear on. It is suggested that this activity should be limited as far as possible (remember the case referred to in the introduction).

  • Close the case after all witnesses and documents have been presented to the hearing.
  • After the accused made a statement or called witnesses, cross-examine those witnesses and ask relevant questions if documentation has been presented.
  • Make submissions to the hearing on the facts, the company disciplinary code and procedure, and ask for a sanction of guilty.
  • After a finding is made, present the personal file to the hearing and comment on aggravating circumstances.