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Shop Stewards

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Shop stewards occupy an ambiguous position in the workplace, because, as employees, they are subject to the employer’s disciplinary authority, and as union representatives, they play a key role in union structures and therefore act as intermediaries between employers and union members.

Definition: A shop steward is a representative who is accredited by a union and who acts on behalf of trade union members in the enterprise where he/she works. The position is therefore a twofold: firstly as a worker with a service contract, and secondly as an office-bearer of his trade union.

Functions And Duties Of Shop Stewards

The role and functions of the shop steward is often complex and conflicting. Their role can be described as paradoxical and they must represent the member’s interest at all costs, but at the same time remain loyal to the company.

The functions of a shop steward can be summarised as follows:

  • Promote in-company-communication with the workforce.
  • Shop stewards are critical to effective functioning and act as the go-between of the union office, management and union members.
  • Maintain relations with management as they require a balancing act.
  • As the result of the network of relationships, shop stewards can develop a significant power base, especially if they have good leadership skills.
  • Must promote the interests of the members.
  • Represent members at internal procedures on disciplinary and grievance aspects.
  • Ensure conditions of collective agreement are implemented.

Statutory Rights Of A Shop Stewards

From the outset it should be noted that the shop steward enjoys some statutory rights. This is important to understand the use and functioning of a shop steward.

Statutory rights are dealt with in terms of Section 14 and 15 of the LRA of 1995, which describes:

  • Rights in relation to representation of members in disciplinary hearings and grievances.
  • Monitoring of the employer’s compliance with work-related provisions of relevant labour legislation and collective agreements.
  • Reporting of any alleged contraventions of the related legislation and collective agreements.
  • Performance of any other functions agreed to between the representative trade union and the employer.
  • Subject to reasonable conditions, taking reasonable time off with pay to inform functions and undergo training.

Victimisation of shop stewards for lawfully performing their duties, in accordance with the LRA and collective agreements, could constitute an automatically unfair dismissal.

These statutory provisions are a reality which managements needs to understand and implement in order to manage the functionality of shop stewards effectively within these terms of reference.

Qualities of an Ideal Shop Steward

The above heading might be controversial. Is there an ideal shop steward? This question might be debateable to answer but that need not distract the goals of what every shop steward should strive toward. The key qualities that a shop steward should have to perform his/her role effectively, are the respect and trust of the union, fellow employees, and management.

It follows, therefore, that he/she should endeavour to be an effective communicator and be trained to make independent, objective judgements and make rapid decisions, were necessary. Shop stewards must be committed, diligent, and fair-minded and should be knowledgeable in union, employee and management affairs.