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Reinforcement Theory of Motivation

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The Reinforcement Theory of Motivation was proposed by B.F. Skinner and his associates. This theory posits that behaviour is the function of its consequences, which means an individual develops a behaviour after performing certain actions.

The Reinforcement Theory of Motivation is based on the “Law of Effect” concept, i.e. an individual is likely to repeat those actions having positive consequences and will avoid those behaviours that result in negative or unpleasant outcomes.

The behaviours that elicit consequences are called operant behaviour and reinforcement theory work on the relationship between the operant behaviour and the associated consequences and, therefore, is often referred to as Operant Conditioning. Operant conditioning means the change in the behaviour caused due to the reinforcement (positive reward or punishment) given after the response.

The Reinforcement Theory lays emphasis on the environmental factors that shape behaviours and thus Skinner believed that environments external to the organisation must be designed effectively to increase the motivation among the employees.

Thus, the Reinforcement Theory of motivation mainly focuses on what happens when an individual takes some action. It is observed that people tend to repeat those activities which gives them pleasure and avoid the activities with negative consequences.