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Having a Courageous Conversation with Anyone

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“The real art of conversation is not only to say the right thing at the right place but to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment.” Lady Dorothy Nevill

“Courageous Conversation” – a conversation where you speak up and express how you feel about issues that are weighing you down.

There have been many times in your life when you should have had a courageous conversation, but you didn’t. One of the main reasons why you didn’t was because you didn’t know how. The framework below will help you have a “Courageous Conversation”, in which you were be able to express and articulate your thoughts and opinions in a way that avoided awkward situations, quickly cleared up misunderstandings and created positive relationships in your life.

According to the Oxford Dictionary, Courage is derived from the Latin word Cor which means heart. In Old French there is the word Corage which denotes the heart as the centre of all feelings.

The framework will help you to be courageous and have conversations in which you are able to express your deepest feelings. A courageous conversation will lighten your heart and your life. These steps will help you to find the courage to have conversations that you were too afraid to have before.