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Maintenance of the Control Panel

Completion requirements

The operation of the whole machine plant is controlled, indicated and monitored from the control panel, which is located in the control room. The main switchboard room and the control room may not be used as a general storeroom since only the switchboards are allowed in there. Also, the control room must be kept clean and free from irrelevant things. In it are only allowed such things the operator needs to plan, lead and supervise the operations. In a narrow control room where many unauthorised persons stay, there can be in advertent movement and starting or stopping machine, quite simply by touching a pushbutton.

Switchboards and cabinets shall be checked once a year with regards to the layer of dust on the devices inside. If the layer of dust is so thick that the text on name-plates positioned horizontally cannot be read on the boards and cabinets, the devices have to be cleaned. The cleaning shall be so carried out that the dust is really removed from the switchboard and not just brushed or blown onto contact and coils inside the devices. First, the dust shall be carefully brushed off surfaces which are not located dangerously close to contacts, coils or other sensitive details of the devices. The brushing shall be done without the dust being stirred up. After that, the dust still left on the devices is sucked off by using vacuum. Care shall be taken to ensure that the least possible dust is blown into the devices. If vacuum cleaner is available, it shall be used then preferably, using a soft brush. When doors and lids are closed after a check care shall be taken in checking that the gasket is in position and that the seal is proper.