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Market Analysis

Completion requirements

A market analysis is a quantitative and qualitative assessment of a market. It considers  the size of the market, both in volume and in value, the various customer segments and buying patterns, the competition, and the economic environment in terms of barriers to entry and regulation.

How To Conduct Market Scanning

The environmental audit is reliant on the monitoring activity that is undertaken by the organisation. The process is normally referred to as scanning.

There are four forms of scanning according to Aguilar (1967). They are as follows:

There is of course an unlimited amount of information that can be scanned. Any organisation can only scan a certain amount of this information. A balance has to be struck between the resources allocated to this activity and the potential benefits. More information also does not lead to better decision making. Understanding the dynamics of the environment is the critical aspect to this activity, not the volume of information.

Types Of Information Relevant To Scanning The Environment

Managers search for information in five broad areas:

  • Market Intelligence
  • Technical intelligence
  • Acquisition intelligence
  • Broad issues
  • Other intelligence

Area of External information


General Content

Market intelligence

  • Market potential
  • Structural change
  • Competitors and industry
  • Pricing
  • Sales negotiations
  • Customers
  • Capacity, consumption, imports, exports
  • Mergers, acquisitions, new entries
  • Competitor information, industry policy
  • Effective and proposed prices
  • Information on specific, current or potential sales
  • Current or potential marketers, markets and problems

Technical intelligence

  • New product, processes and technology
  • Product problems
  • Costs
  • Licensing and patents
  • Technical information relatively new or unknown to enterprise
  • Involving current products
  • For processing, operations, etc. for suppliers, customers and competitors
  • Products and processes

Acquisition intelligence

  • Leads for mergers, joint ventures, or acquisitions
  • Information concerning possibilities for the organisation

Intelligence on broad issues

  • General conditions
  • Government actions and policies
  • General information on political, demographic, etc.
  • Decisions affecting the industry

Other intelligence

  • Suppliers and raw materials
  • Resources available
  • Miscellaneous
  • Purchasing information
  • Availability of people, land, other resources
  • Any other information