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Cleaning Grain

Completion requirements

During the pre-cleaning process, as much as possible foreign material such as stalks, leaves and other material as well as dust are removed from the grain. This action is quicker than the complete cleaning process and it has the advantage that storage space isn’t taken up by foreign material and that better storage capacity is created.

A further advantage of the pre-cleaning process action is that it removes the foreign material (plant residues) which could later cause bin clogging. Plant residues usually absorb moisture that can lead to decomposition when it is compacted together with the grain in the bin under conditions of limited air flow.

In the cleaning process, a mechanical cyclone sucks dust from the grain and then the grain moves over a series of sieves that remove the fine material and broken grain as well as other larger material. This action is done in order to comply with the buyer’s grade prescriptions and that poisonous seeds that may be in the grain, are removed. The screenings and dust are gathered in bags or in bulk outside or in the grain silo’s sifting/dust room.

Click here to view a video that explains the cleaning of grain.