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Outcomes-Based Assessment

Completion requirements

Definition - A structured process for gathering evidence and making judgments about an individual’s performance in relation to registered national unit standards and qualifications.

Click here to view a video that explains outcomes-based assessment.

Is Assessment Really Necessary?

In one word, “Yes!” If we do not assess someone, how will we know whether the person can perform specific duties or consistently achieve specific outcomes?

Click here to view a video that explains outcomes-based assessments.

What does it mean to be a Qualified Assessor?

An assessor is a person who is an expert in two different things:

  • The field in which he is educated and/or works in on a day-to-day basis.
  • The ETD-practice field of outcomes-based assessment.

Important: You can only assess a person in your own field of expertise. You must have proof that your own qualification and experience level is at least one level higher than the person whom you are assessing.

Why Do You Want to be An Assessor?

Answers to this question generally vary between:

  • “I don’t really know, but my workplace requires it”; and
  • “I work in the field of education and training and the new system requires that I must be able to assess people.”

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